PNG Gossip Newsletter - 26 Sep 2014

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Neo Melanesian

"Pidgin English"

Tok Pisin English
bol ball
intenasinol international
ivent event
kantri counrtry
lus lose
moa more
namba number
nem name
nesen nation
pipol people
planti plenty
rijin region
rijinol regional
sait side
skoa score
tausan thousand
tim team
wik week

Webster's Online Dictionary
with Multilingual Thesaurus Translation


English       Pidgin English  
Interested in having your own Web Site? Worried about the cost? It may be cheaper than you think. Take a look at pricing at the PNG Web Hosting site. Sites with space for unlimited data storage and data transfer per month start from less than US$5.00 per month. -- DOT COM Domains from US$9.00 per year. All plans come with 24 hour a day / 7 day a week ticket / phone support


Remember that this mailing list is mainly for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time in this newsletter, was recently worth around

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but the exchange rate varies on a daily basis.

If you are really keen on finding out what the Kina is worth a currency converter for most world currencies can be located at -- -- The PNG Business Directory also has daily rates based from a PNG perspective

Want to find out more about Papua New Guinea? Try searching at -- -- and -- or try the PNG Business Directory located at -- -- All are excellent places to look for information about the country.
For those who are not so familiar with the geography of Papua New Guinea I suggest taking a look at -- -- and then clicking on the "+" to zoom in to the area of interest. Go to the following link for a quick start to a map of Port Moresby. --

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Warning: PNG web sites seem to come and go. The fact of life is that it costs money to host a web site and there is not much return on the outlay to most businesses in PNG.

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Hoskins Airport
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Papua New Guinea Gossip Blog

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External links - while PNG Gossip Newsletter will not sell your email address to others many links on this web site lead to other sites that may may not have the same policy regarding your valuable email address. Be careful when handing over your email address.

PNG News Links

Innovative SMS Stories Improve English Literacy --

PNG citizens to get chance to buy shares in state assets --

PNG Kumuls squad named for PM's 13 clash --

Mates to kayak to PNG for special cause --

Bougainville President Momis attacks report on Panguna mine --

Case against foreigner thrown out --

More delays in cancelling controversial land leases --

Gay Asylum Seekers Could Be Resettled in Papua New Guinea, Which Outlaws Homosexuality --

Logging Plans Endanger 40 New Species on Tiny Island of Woodlark --

Misc. Links

Mama PNG --

World War I: Able Seaman Robert Moffatt's first act of war in Rabaul was also his last --

Rowdy foreigners --

Rotary Club hears program on Bible translations --

Finally home: WWII airman buried in Augusta, 70 years after being lost over PNG --

Seaman James Benjamin Thomas remembered --

Visiting medical ship carries hope for thousands --

Fiji announces team officials for Port Moresby 2015 Pacific Games --

PNG Images

Mount Tavurvur volcano eruption, August 29th, 2014 --

Rabaul Dawn Service 2014 --

Women and girls are experiencing horrific violence and brutality, every day.

Rabaul Dawn Service 2014 --

Whyalla's social scene photos --

PNG Blogs

Whimpering Powes Parkop Says Social Media Makes MPs Look Stupid, Wants Stronger Defamation Laws to Protect Pollies --

A feel good Independence story --

The house that Willie built defines the true meaning of family --

MRA keen to sell PNG to the Chinese --

The slightly seedy side of Port Moresby --

News Items

PNG Visa Check

Applying for a PNG Visa? Waiting to know if one has been approved? You can check the status online at the PNG Immigration web site. The website is synchronised with the Border Management System on a daily basis.


Highway Blocked

The Barola section of the Highway in Eastern Highlands has been blocked recently by villagers after a tribal member was killed. The blockade is affecting the flow of business and government operations between Lae, Madang and the Highlands.


HeviLift Down

A Hevilift (Regional Air) twin otter, carrying nine people, has crashed near Mount Lawes, just outside Port Moresby. It is believed initially three people have died and six others have been injured in the accident, one in a critical condition died later. It is believed the plane was chartered by a Catholic parish in Woitape, with parishioners on board and a pastor among the injured.


Hides Gas Field

Oil Search Limited has reported that ExxonMobil PNG Ltd, operator of the PNG LNG Project, has advised that development drilling on the Hides gas field in PDL 1/7 in PNG is nearing completion.


Ill Gotten Passport

A PNG man has been caught trying to enter Australia using a passport obtained by fraud. The man had been accused of overstaying a visa to enter Australia held in another passport in July 2013 and was banned from entering Australia for three years.


Diving PNG

Experienced diver Andrew Purvis discovers a subaquatic utopia of vibrant reefs and teeming fish off the coast of PNG near Kimbe Bay.


also -

PNG Soccer

The senior PNG squad has returned home after being away for three weeks training and playing friendly matches in Singapore and Australia.


Oceania Football Confederation Women's Nations Cup dates finalised --

Motuans Up in Arms

A clan from a village in Central province has warned public that they will not allow any illegal land grabbing by outsiders. Men from Gorohaga clan in Tubusereia village, led by clan leader Nou Tamarua, have come out stating they will vigorously defend their land.


Gordons Bus Stop

PNG Loop recently ran a story showing PMV's disappearing in holes at Gordons Market bus stop.


Town Under Constant Cloud

It's been 20 years since a major volcanic eruption destroyed the once-picturesque Papua New Guinea town of Rabaul. Last month, locals had a reminder of the threat they still face when Mount Tavurvur erupted again, sending clouds of ash kilometres into the sky.


Exchange Rate

A decision in June to change PNG's exchange rate could push up to 130,000 coffee growers into poverty. Former Australian treasury official Paul Flanagan says the change lifted the Kina's exchange rate by 15 per cent, and this is having a huge effect on families in PNG who are dependent of growing coffee.


Air Niugini

National Airline, Air Niugini has announced reduction in fuel surcharge for both domestic and international routes-effective from Monday 22nd September 2014. Chief Executive Officer, Mr Simon Foo said most domestic ports will see a reduction of up to 10% of the fuel surcharge component of airfares. This means passengers travelling within PNG destinations can now save up to K15 per sector.


Air Niugini plans expansion --


Watch MOTIV Fishing going on one last adventure into the jungles of PNG in search of giant black bass.



Police Train

A group of 20 non-commissioned police officers have completed a three-week training course on frontline supervision.


Sovereign Wealth Fund

When will the Sovereign Wealth Fund be finalised and implemented? Will the operational rules and responsibilities, and the overall role of the Sovereign Wealth Fund, actually be what they said it would be at the outset?


Tribal Warfare

Last year Sam Nallen Copley became the first Brit to live among the Baruya tribe, a people from the remote highlands of Papua New Guinea. Read how he was caught up in tribal warfare in PNG


New Tuna Facility

Hailsheng Group (PNG) Company Limited and the PNG Government have signed a tuna project agreement where a processing facility will be built at Malahang in Lae, Morobe province. The investment by Hailisheng for the onshore tuna processing plant is worth US$22 million, which is roughly around K55 million, with the first phase of construction to begin in the next six months.


Languages Avoid Extinction

Thanks to the Internet two languages in PNG, Yokoim and Panim, have avoided extinction.

Yokoim is spoken by under 2,000 people in three small villages in the Karawari River basin of PNG

Panim is spoken by under 400 people in a single village (also called Panim) near the northeast coast of PNG


This work is the result of the Enduring Voices Project, a joint effort between the National Geographic Society and the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.

Lukim PNG Expo Successful

Tourism PNG recently hosted travel trade and agents from around the world in Port Moresby for the PNG Lukim 2014 Expo. Attendees at the expo were lucky enough to meet some of Papua New Guinea's famous Huli Wigmen of Tari Highlands and learn about the unique culture of the colourful warriors


Chuave, Movi and Kamalikiin Siane

Chuave MP Wera Mori has launched the first phase of the road from Chuave, Movi and Kamalikiin Siane, in Simbu. He gave former Chuave MP Yaweh Riyong the privilege to cut the ribbon as he was the one who initiated the road project.


Namah Takes on Asylum Law

Opposition Leader and Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah's legal challenge on the constitutionality of the detention of the asylum seekers on Manus Island, will begin with a directions hearing on the 7th of October.


K280m Marine Project

The Government's US$47 million loan with China's Exim Bank for the K280 million Pacific Marine Industrial Zone project in Madang will enable work to begin in the next eight weeks.


PNG Human Rights Film Festival

The PNG Human Rights Film Festival (PNGHRFF) is an annual not-for-profit event that promotes the respect, protection, and fulfilment of human rights in Papua New Guinea. Local and international films highlighting topical human rights issues affecting Papua New Guinea. Screenings are followed by panel discussions with the audience on how to improve human rights in Papua New Guinea.


I Am A Girl

I Am A Girl follows the compelling stories of six girls around the world, including Manu from Vabukori, in Port Moresby. There is a group of people in the world today who are more persecuted than anyone else, but they are not political or religious activists. They are girls. Being born a girl means you are more likely to be subjected to violence, disease, poverty and disadvantage than any other group on the planet. As each girl moves closer to coming of age, I AM A GIRL, a feature length documentary, reveals what it means to grow up female in the 21st century.

I Am A Girl has received 4 Nominations for the 2014 Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) Awards.


Trailer --

NBC in Strife

National Broadcasting Corporation managing director Memafu Kapera says it is "business as usual" at the State-owned entity despite moves by the board to remove him. Prime Minister Peter O'Neill had to personally intervene on Monday in the row between management and the board, sending his deputy chief of staff Oscar Yamuna to assure NBC staff that Kapera was still managing director.


Coming Events

Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes be cancelled. Of course, I may also put down a wrong date.

PNG Human Rights Film Festival
  -   Port Moresby, 25 - 28 September
  -   Goroka, 30 September
  -   Madang, 4 - 5 October
  -   Bougainville, 10 - 20 October

Morobe Show, 11 - 12 October 2014

Oro Tapa and Tattoo Festival, Independence Oval in Popondetta - and 26 October

Alotau Canoe and Kundu Festival, 7 - 9 November 2014

Sixth PNG Games - Lae - November 2014

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November 2014

Christmas Day - 25 December 2014

Boxing Day - 26 December 2014

MV Ammari to visit PNG in 2015 --

Full Pacific Games - PNG 4 to 18 July 2015 --

Trade Pasifika - 2016 in Port Moresby

Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017

2018 - APEC summit to be held in Port Moresby.

Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --

PNG Media

Interested in having your own Web Site? Worried about the cost? It may be cheaper than you think. Take a look at pricing at the PNG Web Hosting site. Sites with space for unlimited data storage and data transfer per month start from less than US$5.00 per month. -- DOT COM Domains from US$9.00 per year. All plans come with 24 hour a day / 7 day a week ticket / phone support


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-- THE END --

In Tok Pisin - em tasol

For other ways of saying "the end" please pay a visit to --

Some of the ways of saying "that's all" are courtesy of Liz and her friends at the University of Technology in Lae. --

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Information contained in this newsletter may be correct only at the time of publication and may be subject to change at any time without notice.

Created 26 Sep 2014
Updated 6 Oct 2014

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© 2014 - -- Gia Mann (online news from PNG since 1998)