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PNG in the News
Five missing at sea after PNG boat hits rocks --
NDTV Good Times partners Media Niugini to air its show in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands --
'Shut up' says new Maprik MP --
InterOil Announces 2012 Second Quarter Financial And Operating Results --
Australia asylum: MPs debate Nauru and PNG centres --
PNG MP to stop Manus Island centre --

Misc PNG Links
A Traveller In The Foreign Service: How To Avoid Posts Where You Might Get Eaten Alive --
Woman recounts PNG mission trip --
DFAT misses an opportunity in PNG --
From the Field to the Rubbish Heap --
YWAM Medical Ships Port Moresby Outreach --
New Bible translation in PNG --
From the Field to the Rubbish Heap --

PNG Related Blogs
Rabaul Departure Day --
Kokopo weather --
Bougainville is not 10 Years behind compared to Madang --
OOH Blog --

PNG Images
PX Engineering Photos --
Meet the Village People -- -- photo plus story.
Diving at Kimbe Bay --
Morobe Province --

News Items
Blood Glucose Readings
At the opening of the NCD Specialist Diabetic Clinic Hope World Wide has reported 18,000 people have been found to have high blood glucose levels in a joint exercise undertaken by the PNG Department of Health and Hope. 2007 studies have shown 14 percent of adults in the country to have high blood glucose levels and half of that number to be diabetic. NCD has been reported to have the highest number of cases screened so far.

Komo Airstip
The Komo airstrip in the Hela province is set to become one of the biggest airstrips in the country. The strip will be able to take an Antonov-124 which was until recently the largest plane in the world. It has since been eclipsed by the Anotnov-225. The strip will be 3.2 kilometres in length when completed.

PNG Trade Barrier
Speaking to traders at the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji public consultations recently, Fiji Attorney-General and Minister for Trade Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said countries like PNG were not honouring Melanesian Spearhead Group trade agreements. He said the three countries of the MSG - PNG, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu had negative lists against Fiji.

Maprik Clinic Upgraded
People in seven ward areas of Maprik District in East Sepik province will soon benefit greatly in its health services currently provided by the National Volunteer Service under the Maprik District Development Fund program.

Operation Open Heart
The Annual Operation Open Heart program run by a group of Australian health professionals and coordinated by the Sydney Adventist Hospital has arrived in the country to carry out life-saving heart surgery on 50 adults and children. Over 300 cases were presented to the Australian team by local doctors but they are only able to operate on 50 of those cases.
Operation Open Heart has been running for 26 years, with the first trip being made in 1986 to Tonga. About six to eight trips are organised every year as part of the program, with this being the 18th trip to PNG.

Seabed Mining
A "new frontier" in mining is set to be opened up by the underwater extraction of resources from the seabed off the PNG coast, despite vehement objections from environmentalists and local activists. Canadian firm Nautilus Minerals has been granted a 20-year licence by the PNG government to commence the Solwara 1 project, the world's first commercial deep sea mining operation.
Seabed drilling an environmental danger --

Somare Reflects
Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare says he is lucky to have survived a heart operation in Singapore last year. He told his story while visiting heart patients at the Port Moresby General Hospital as part of his support for the annual Operation Open Heart programme.

Deputy Prime Minister
The Deputy Leo Dion says he is honoured and humbled that T.H.E Party leader Don Polye pushed through his candidacy for the second highest political office in cabinet.

Pumice Raft Theory
Theories about a pumice raft currently floating in the Pacific Ocean have suggested that it was created before August with an Air New Zealand pilot taking a photograph of it on the 1st of August. Tahitian vulcanologists have determined that the raft became visible on the 19th of July and was caused by a volcanic eruption associated with a series of earthquakes in the days prior. Pumice rafts were not uncommon as some rafts from Indonesia have ended up in Hawaii, while others from eruptions near PNG have ended up at the Marshall Islands.

PNG Cabinet
Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, has announced his government's full cabinet line-up, two days after his cabinet was sworn in by parliament. "A handful of ministers are new to both parliament and cabinet," Mr O'Neill said. "But they come with a wealth of experience from the private sector and business that this government will utilise.
The 9th PNG Parliament Cabinet consists of
Prime Minister, Hon Peter O'Neill, CMG/MP
Deputy PM and Minister for Inter-Govt Relations, Hon Leo Dion ,MP
Minister for Treasury, Hon. Don Polye, MP
Minister for Public Enterprise and State Investment, Hon. Ben Micah, MP
Minister for Forest and Climate Change, Hon. Patrick Pruaitch, MP
Minister for Transport, Hon. Ano Pala, MP
Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Hon. Tommy Tomscoll, MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Hon. Rimbink Pato, OBE MP
Minister for Public Service, Hon. Sir Dr. Puka Temu,KBE / CMG MP
Minister for Religion Youth and Community Development, Hon. Loujaya Toni, MP
Minister for Environment and Conservation, Hon. John Pundari, MP
Minister for Higher Education Research Science and Technology, Hon. David Arore, MP
Minister for Justice and Attorney General, Hon. Kerenga Kua, MP
Minister for Defence, Hon. Fabian Pok, MP
Minister for Education, Hon. Paru Aihi, MP
Minister for Finance,Hon. James Marape, MP
Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Hon. William Duma, MP
Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Hon. Paul Isikeli, MP
Minister for Tourism Art s and Culture, Hon. Boka Kondra, MP
Minister for Trade Commerce and Industry, Hon. Richard Maru, MP
Minister for Sports and Pacific Games, Hon. Justin Tkachencko, MP
Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations, Hon. Mark Maipakai, MP
Minister for Health and HIV Aids, Hon. Michael Malabag, MP
Minister for Police, Hon. Nixon Duban, MP
Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources, Hon. Mao Zeming, MP
Minister for Correctional Services, Hon. Jim Simitab, MP
Minister for Communication and Information Technology, Hon. Jimmy Miringtoro, MP
Minister for Mining, Hon. Byron Chan, MP
Minister for Works and Implementation, Hon. Francis Awesa, MP
Minister for Autonomous Regions, Hon. Steven P. Kama, MP
Minister for Lands and Physical Planning, Hon. Benny Allan, MP
Minister for National Planning, Hon. Charles Abel, MP
Minister for Civil Aviation, Hon. Davis Steven, MP
PNG PM announces full cabinet line-up --

NCD Governor
The re-elected governor of the National Capital District says he is determined to keep transforming Port Moresby into a world class capital city. Powes Parkop was declared winner of the NCD regional seat. Governor Parkop says that over the last four years his administration has managed to gradually change the city reducing opportunistic crime in Moresby by over 50 percent, making it a safer city at night and also reducing the prevalence of HIV/AIDs, and starting.

New US Embassy in POM
U.S. Ambassador to Papua New Guinea Teddy Taylor recently broke ground on the new U.S. Embassy in Port Moresby. Situated on a seven-acre site in Harbour City, the multi-building campus will include a chancery, compound access control, and two support annexes. When completed, the new complex will provide embassy employees with a state-of-the-art workspace.
The US$64 million project will be constructed by Caddell Construction Co. Inc. of Montgomery, Alabama. Karn Charuhas Chapman & Twohey of Washington, D.C. is the architect of record. The new Embassy is scheduled to be completed in May 2014.

Airlines PNG
Airlines PNG has announced plans to upgrade customer service. It says Port Moresby, Lae, Mt Hagen and Brisbane Airports are key sites for the airline and its new Airports Manager, Mike Wells, will focus on building and developing world class customer service and customer support programmes at those ports. These programmes will then be rolled out to other ports in the airline's network.

Mob Justice
Police in PNG have urged members of the public not to take the law into their own hands following an outbreak of violence in the capital Port Moresby. Three men were badly beaten, two of whom later died, after the car they were travelling in hit a pedestrian at East Boroko last week.

Rabaul Queen Report
Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, said he will be revealing the report findings into the sinking of the Rabaul Queen before the end of August. The ferry sank in February in rough conditions sailing from Kimbe to Lae with at least 140 passengers losing their lives.

Another BSP ATM
Bank South Pacific has opened another Automatic Telling Machine in East New Britain making a total of fifteen ATM's in East New Britain. There are now 11 In Kokopo where the new one is located and four in Rabaul. The new ATM is located at the NGIP Agmark premises just near the Kokopo Secondary School.
The Rural BSP program has rolled out 65,000 new accounts and the number is increasing daily as the bank opens new branches.

ANGSL Launches Web Site
Air Niugini Savings and Loans Society (ANGSL) has launched its web site. The site can be found at -- -- The web site will be a tool to help promote the society both locally and internationally. It will help to showcase the Society's products and services. ANGSL, in existence for 38 years, is one of 22 registered S&L Societies in the country and is governed by the Bank of PNG.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Madang Sevens -- 17th to the 18th of August in Madang. --
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
48th PNG Medical Symposium - 2nd to the 7th of September. Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Imotiva Kokoda 2012, Walk for a Cause - 9th October 2012 --
Culture and Tourism Workshop -- 22nd to 26th October, 2012
IOTA tour -- 19th October to the 4th November 2012 -- --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4th July to 18th July 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
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